The dental implant is a treatment method used to restore chewing, aesthetic and phonetic functions after teeth have been lost. The structure of implant consists of a titanium body and a superstructure made of porcelain/zirconium materials. After this body is placed in the jawbone, prosthetic teeth are made on it. The functions of the lost teeth are regained.
Dental implants are applied to people who have lost their teeth or whose teeth are planned to be extracted for various reasons. With the newly developed methods, the extraction of the tooth and the implant operation can now be performed in the same session. The procedures are performed under local anesthesia and are painless. Sedation is recommended for patients with dental phobia.
In the planning of implant treatment; Factors such as your systemic condition, the condition of your jawbone, the diseases you have had, and the medications you use are evaluated. Please consult your dentist for these evaluations.
Implants protect the jaw against bone resorption. It is comfortable and does not decay. It provides you with an aesthetic and long-lasting smile. The implant brand we work with provides valid support all over the world, the implants are guaranteed for life. It offers the best bone attachment and biocompatibility with titanium structure and the best sterilization.
Immediate implant means placing an implant in the same session, immediately after tooth extraction.
Developing technology offers us the opportunity to place the implant immediately after tooth extraction. While it was necessary to wait an average of 3 months for the healing of the tissue after tooth extraction, it is now possible to place an implant after extraction in the same session.
Waiting 3 months after tooth extraction both wastes time and causes the patient to be toothless for a while. Therefore, immediate implant placement saves the patient from being toothless and prevents aesthetic problems.
Extraction and implant treatment performed under local anesthesia are painless. It allows you to regain your teeth in a short time and provides high comfort. Sedation for patients with dental phobia allows the patient to have implants in very comfortable conditions. After sedation, the patient does not remember anything.
There should be no cyst in the root of your extracted tooth so that the implant can be made immediately. If there is no cyst in your tooth, if your jawbone is suitable, immediate implant application is quite safe. You should definitely consult a specialist for the examination of your jawbone.
There is no difference between the cost of the immediate implant operation and other implant operations.
In the first session, your tooth extraction and implant placement are completed. If the prosthesis will be loaded with the immediate loading technique, your prosthesis will be fitted within 2 weeks. If immediate loading will not be performed, your prosthesis will be made 3 months after the implant operation.
There is more than one method of making the prosthesis. One of these methods is an immediate loading. In other methods, after the implant operation, 3 months are waited to make a prosthesis. However, in the immediate loading method, your prosthesis can be made within 2 weeks after the implant operation.
Before immediate loading is performed, your jawbone and systemic condition are evaluated. If the conditions are suitable, a temporary prosthesis is made after the implant operation. Afterward, an immediate prosthesis is made and attached. Therefore, you will never be toothless.
Before immediate loading, factors such as your jawbone, systemic diseases, and medications you use are evaluated. If these conditions are right, immediate loading can be done safely. If it is not suitable, prosthesis loading is performed 3 months later.
Having healthy teeth for life and ensuring the sustainability of dental health is an area of expertise. The main goal of Smile Art is to improve your quality of life and contribute to your smile comfortably.
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